Dsr skyrim

Hello, guys. I've been modding skyrim for quite some time by now (since 2012 +/-) and I consider myself a nice enough modder. Recently I've put together an extensive load order for SSE, aiming to begin new playthough. It took me a loot of time and work, and everything was looking ok. I was playing for quite some time, with a level 20 character and no crashes, til i had a ctd reaching Traitor's Post, east of Windhelm. I did the standart procedures to isolate do crash, ran a lot of test save files. I am really desperate, I've been trying different setups, inis, mod configs, "tweaks". Nothing really worked, I keep getting awful fps drops on interiors and sometimes in exteriors, especially in Shroud Hearth Barrow first area (the spiral stairway) List of what i've tried - ENBoost - Memory Patch - Disabling all texture mods, including SMIM, LOD improvement, bethesda hd texture pack etc. - Tons of ini files - Vsync on CCC, vsync on skyrim.ini, vsync on enb - Fps limiter. I am looking to buy Dark Souls 3 today. A couple questions, First are the graphics on Dark Souls 3 for Xbox One X as good or will be better then Dark Souls: Remastered? I saw they are making 4k - 60FPS for the remastered. I understand that Dark Souls 3 is the newest version but im just curious to know since Dark Souls 1 is so old (remastered or not) if DS 3 will still look better on my XBOX One X - HDR TV. Let me know on that? Also, is this game as HARD as people say it is? Is it truly Any mod out there that accomplishes Dual Sheath Redux for SSE I cant exactly find one also Trade and Barter seems really cool with some of its features is that floating around some where to? Is it possible to convert them myself. I have a extremely basic understanding of the GECK (clearly a Fallout experince) with editing of mods and what not so if there is a way im sure I could figure it out pointed in the right direction. When I try to make a new character it shows me all the notifications for my mods (which is normal) then goes to the loading screen with the Skyrim logo and smoke and just sits on that. I noticed someone had this same problem and asked how to fix it 3 years ago but it didn't work for me and I couldn't reply to that thread - They said it was the load order of their mods and that LOOT should fix it, after using LOOT my load order is better but I still can't get to the character creation screen. I recently did a fresh re-install of Ultimate Skyrim since in my first attempt I merged many of the mods when installing instead of renaming. After completing the installation guide and checking to make sure everything was correct, I booted up the game to find that my DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) setting through Nvidia Geforce Experience (resolution of 3360x2100) was no longer working. In my first install it was working fine. I've tried fiddling with the resolutions in SkyrimPrefs.ini I know, I know. I criticize these kinds of posts when they show up because they're kind of low-effort. However, I've decided to be hypocritical and just go ahead and do one. Current load order: https://modwat.ch/u/Tyler799 My new specs are: i7-6700k @4.0 GHz GTX 1080 FTW Edition Playing at 2560x1440 The rest can be available upon request, but I figure that's the meat of it. Mods I Already Know About: DynDOLOD - Obvious choice. Amazing mod, basically a must-have Hey guys I've decided to finally get a new computer since the new Nvidia-cards finally dropped. I've got a question with a GTX 1070 vs 1080 when it comes to modding Skyrim (and future FO4). Since ive been sitting on a GTX 670 well its been hard to keep get the game to run good when you start to stack up mods and an ENB on top of that? Welcome to the 5fps club. I've been thinking of getting a GTX 1070 since I play only in 1080p and I think that getting a GTX 1080 is a bit overkill since I recently started modding Skyrim again, and I'm trying to install Dual Sheath Redux. I installed all of the requirements, and all of its requirements' requirements. However, when I go to run the SkyProc patcher for it, it tells me that my Skyrim and Update esms aren't enabled (which they are; they can't be disabled). I'm using Mod Organizer Any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: I seemed to have gotten it to work. The fonts are now crisp and smooth as they should look, back at 1080 on my 4k tv they looked crappy. I'm just a little confused by the fact that the performance at 4k is identical to 1080. Is there some other ini setting I'm missing that determines resolution? I mean the gui should be smaller right? Like the 'compass' bar right. Everytime I try to use the dsr patcher I get this message: "skyproc.exceptions.MissingMaster: Dual Sheath Redux.esp has some missing masters: -Skyrim.esm -Update.esm Please activate and try again." I am using MO and the masters ARE active. just got a new gaming pc and i need to play skyrim been a dream to mod it to hell and back lol however its given me nothing but problems i have been crashing from the get go (before i even put mods on) i had the freeze at bethesda logo up until today (four days later) and finally figured out it was a problem with skse and i just had to rename some files and add in a line in the .ini now i can load up the game but it crashes in minutes. im somewhat new to modding but i think ive learned So after you enable it, it adds new resolutions in graphic options, but how do I use it with MO? If I start game from SkyrimLauncher, I can choose and set new resolution and it will work, but how do I enable it with MO? Editing iSize W and iSize H with new values doesn't. I've been fiddling around with the DSR mod along with xp32MS, Immersive Animation, and TJoP but i can't get it right. The sword (1H) is always positioned at the hip of the character but the animation is drawing/sheathing the sword at the back on the character, any idea why this happens? I followed this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-yavVxIoX0) if it helps. Edit: Thanks guys I already found out how to do it. Edit 2 in request from u/emalk4y : I just installed Enchanced Character. I don't even care about anything above 1080p - it's too rich for my blood. For some reason I couldn't get a screenshot but when starting skyrim at twice my native resolution the game displays as if I had 3 other monitors one to the right and two below, meaning it only shows the upper left of the splash screen. I get it, it makes a certain sense but it shouldn't be doing that. I've used DSR on a couple other games just fine but skyrim is acting wonky. Hello guys. First of all i want to say sorry about 2 topics i created before. I was so excited and so eager to make that work . however i failed. Finally i watched all videos by GamerPoets, DirtyWeasel and Gopher thousands of times and make some notes . I decided wich mods i will use, and now i want to make it all work together . Could you help me with that and look upon my notes ? I already cleaned Bethesda dlcs, as shown in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i50wxDuEnn0. I just built a new rig. GTX970, i5 4690, and a 144hz monitor. I want to know which game i could get that's graphically appropriate for this build and would impress me. I had high expectations for Unity, but that seems to have gone to shit. any suggestions? edit: thank you all for your suggestions! keep them coming. Hi, I'm having an issue getting my game to run Dual Sheathe redux properly. This is my first time modding, and I am using ModOrganizer. I will do my best to describe my problem and the things I've tried to fix it. First of all, when I load up a save file I get a message pop up in game stating "Dual Sheathe Redux Patch Data Not Detected. Please run the SkyProc patcher and activate the esp file." Fair enough, a quick google comes up with instructions on how to run the patcher. So I've added. So I've recently moved over to Mod Organizer and having some trouble with installing Dual Sheath Redux, or atleast with patching it. I've tried numerous explanations on the internet but can't find any. It basically says whenever I try to patch. "I'm missing some masters" Hopefully someone with more experience could