Pmp player

I have to log out and back in to resolve the issue. It's been happening for several versions. Help? Edit: I cannot recreate the issue with PMP from a machine outside my network (work PC.) It only appears to be happening at home, specifically on the machine which is the server itself. When playing the same video file Potplayer consumes only a few percentage points or up to 10 if hw acceleration is disabled, while plex can sometimes go up to 30% playing a 480p video WITH hardware decoding enabled! Why? I run Windows 10 on 8350k with iGPU, but I've seen more or less the same on other. When I play content on my iPad, the Plex iPad player picks up the media file and streams it at original quality (2.7 mbps) which is good enough for 1080p level quality. However, when I play the same content on my MacBook Pro (which supposedly has more horsepower both from a CPU and GPU point of view), the Plex web player will choose to stream the same content at 0.4-0.7 mbps, 480p. If I force it to 2.7 mbps or even 1.5mbps (720p), the stream starts to buffer and becomes unviewable. From their forums: We’re introducing a great upgrade in terms of video playback experience to our iOS and Apple TV apps! Up until now, we relied on Apple’s AVPlayer for video playback. That was a simple solution, but very limited in many aspects. However, now we’ve added support for mpv 3: the same higher-quality video player we have in Plex Media Player, that will result in sharper video output and improved subtitle support. The new player is still experimental TL;DR Best CFW for playing new games as well as playing PS1 games and emulators on a PSP Phat. Running 5.00m33-6 EDIT: For a phat psp 5.50 GEN-D3 + Prometheus 4 prome-4 best bet right now. I have been reading about different CFW and there different features or add-ons and patches needed for what you plan on doing with your PSP. After visiting sites like and I'm trying Plex Media Player seems to be crushing video playback quality despite direct-play mode for an animation I'm watching. Pausing on the same frame in VLC and PMP and comparing, there's very obvious aliasing on what should be smooth lines between people, building detail and animated characters. Despite being direct-play it's destroying the quality during playback, and selecting "Convert Automatically" at the highest bitrate takes 23mbps instead of the original's 7.4mbps, such a large overhead. I'd really like to have a VM with Plex Media Player on it. Since my server is in my living room there's no reason to buy another computer just for it to run Plex. Ideally I'd like a VM with the embedded version of PMP ( so that literally nothing else is on the VM. amp#x200B; At the moment I'm using OpenELEC with the Plex addon, but it stutters with fewer than 6 threads of my 8700K allocated to it, and generally isn't a great experience. I have a handful of DVD's (mostly older ones) that have a widescreen presentation, but then the frame was padded out to a 4:3 frame with black bars. Some examples include "The Great Escape", "Tremors" and "The West Wing Season 3" amp#x200B; The problem with this design is it looks terrible on modern 16:9 TVs as you end up with black bars all around the content. amp#x200B; My question is: How best to deal with it? \- One way I know about is to use the TV zoom controls I'm running a windows 10 PC that contains my Plex server and i also use it for playback. ​ Currently i'm running openPHT - and although it works just fine, it doesn't support collections - and i really want collections. ​ I tried the windows player a while ago and it was ghastly - how something that is 100% about the UI could fail to have a usable UI is a mystery to me. I've also used the xbox app and that's a shambles too (why are we hiding sources and servers for gods sake?) What would. Recently updated Plex Media Player (PMP) and noticed my 720p anime videos looking different. Art lines look blocky, pixelated and/or not smooth. Hard to explain, basically not a sharp/smooth, like the video scaling isn't applying smoothing or something. Switched to OpenPHT and VLC playback and video is much better. ampnbsp; edit: reverted back to version PMP and video quality back to normal. Looking at changelog I see Qt was updated to 5.9.5 wonder So a major point later in my campaign is that the demon big bad the parties been chasing has helped a lesser angel of death usurp the world true death god who the party would later find stranded on the material plane (he manifests as a 50ft skeleton with shadow dragon wings so he's hard to miss) but I realized that this kinda devalues the gods. What might be some ways to keep the general gist of the story without making the gods seem too weak? I was thinking some kind of obscenely powerful. Been watching a series of anime, no problem so far. PS4 Pro. Strong PC streaming it. Just hit an episode. Plex is reporting it as nearly two hours long and 0.2Mbps bit-rate. It looks fucking terrible. If I open the file on my PC, it runs perfectly and looks good. Any other media player reports the correct time. Only Plex is fucking up this bad. I tried refreshing meta-data, scanning files. Nothing. PMP looks pretty, I'm using it in TV full screen mode, but just two things that makes me not able to love it; though I'm trying. Posters are huge. No way to size them smaller or fit more on a single screen. UI looks pretty, but navigating around is slower. Switching to different libraries is a pain if you have many, need to scroll horizontal. Plus it feels sluggish moving around. Might just go back to OpenPHT. I’m struggling to adjust to the PMP GUI on my Mac mini and use it only when PHT struggles with certain audio formats. Is this a lack of support thing as I understand PHT is basically abandonware. Is this a known bug? Anyone encountered this. I'm not sure what Plex calls that little video player, so I've had trouble googling As the title implies. How do you stream plex to your pc? Do you use the website or watch Hi there, I've been using Plex for almost a year without issues and recently upgraded to a 4K TV and now have found myself constantly battling laggy/buffering/stuttering playback on all my 4K media. My current media/server setup consists of the following; i5-6500 16GB RAM RX 460 8GB 4K media sits on a 5400rpm drive (it shouldn't be the cause but just putting this out here) So basically the 4K media sits on the same local server which is directly connected to the TV therefore network bandwi. Running Mac OSX 10.10 Nothing changed, nothing updated before this issue started. Everything still works it's just annoying not having the actual media player. Sorry if this is obvious. Which will give me true HDR and Atmos as well as the best playback? Will either of them auto turn HDR in Windows on/off.