The lost chapters

It is really sad that we never got the cataclysm that led to the current events in the game. We never saw the Keyblade war happening, which is a shame because I kinda joined because I thought this is one of the goals of the game. amp#x200B; So I wonder, will we ever get to see the war? As an event or yet even another story-mode. Saving up for an og Xbox to play some exclusives and I’m confused as to why the fable lost chapters less expensive than the original fable with less features? Is it buggy or something? Should I get the og version or the lost chapters? Thanks. Chapter 1 (;utm_medium=ios_app) Strobe turns toward the picture of Uni on the laptop monitor, looking her in the eyes. His eyes begin flashing a bright red repeatedly. Black Matter watches on with intent and some excitement. Strobe’s eyes suddenly stop. Strobe: I’m in. I can everything her eyes see, control her every movement. Black Matter: let’s Check out the description post (;amp;utm_medium=ios_app) It’s nighttime throughout Gamindustry. Atop the highest peak in a mountain range stands a robot, named Strobe. He’s looking in the distance. His appearance in bare yet somehow eye catching. His face suggests determination while still being emotionless. In his hands, a black laptop and an odd looking box, the chaos transmuter. the jist please read before starting it clears stuff up ( It is nighttime in Gamindustri. Atop a mountain stands a robot, Strobe. With a humanoid appearance and being blindingly bright and basic. He is holding a device, the Chaos Transmuter, and a laptop. He sets down the Transmuter, it has 9 switches and an on/off button. He presses the on button and the 3rd,6th, and 7th switche. chapter 1 (;utm_medium=ios_app) chapter 2 ( The silky white snow coating Lowee gives Zilarra a sense of fascination. He’s never seen it from this perspective before, from above. White Heart was carrying him to Lowee. I came up with a challenge for day 1 or veteran players looking for a new challenge in the game. I call it the Lost Chapter Challenge. The idea is to run the 21 Lost Chapters without re-using a single character once, 63 unique characters total. The full rules are: 1. Run all 21 Lost Chapter hard mode final stages 2. Do not use any unique character from your roster more than once 3. For the lost chapters before Awakenings, Squall through Sabin, only 3-turn supports can be used as to not cheese. I'm no stranger to the series, but I wanted to compile my thoughts after revisiting all three in succession. This isn't intended to be a review, just a retrospective on some things that stood out to me. Spoilers ahead! Fable: The Lost Chapters For the first of a series, I really liked this one. It's great an entry-level RPG, can't really go too wrong with combat and equipment. It has a great sense of progression through the world, Bowerstone North being initially off limits, returning. Before we start: The night is dark, and full of spoilers. If you are not caught up to the current events in Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire , some key plot points about a major character will be ruined for you. Go read and watch everything first. It's too good to have some bloke spoil everything for you on a Roleplay forum. --- This story takes place in Westeros, that one beautiful continent we all know and love. And if we know anything at all about Westeros With a friend we wanted to reproduce the background of the Fable title screen, i hope you like it :) (this editing took us a lot of time, there is 2 other available, taken on Fable anniversary if you wish. And sorry for my english) ( One of my favorites to fight to in NT. Might be a little intense for an RPG though. I want to get one of them. The only major i want is gamepad support. Simple QOL request, make it so lost chapters show up newest to oldest. It was one thing when there were only a few, but now the list is long and it is annoying to scroll to the bottom each time. I know this is not a major item, but this should also be simple to implement, right. First of all, yes i did check the lost chapter megathread but those are really few and far, every comment is how they did it with a team of two randoms and sazh 35 cp. For those unfortunate like us who couldn’t get sazh, how did you manage to beat the lost chapters? These are my builds so you can skip this if you’re not interested. #PRISHE’S LOST CHAPTER Team used :- PRISHE, YSHTOLA and BARTZ Pros :- Lots of skill usage, bartz aura buff (woi weapon 15cp), prishe’s aoe attack Endless Ancipation "THE SCORE" It's 6am and all I can think about is scoring heroin.I'm not sure how I ended up in this situation, wait.that's a lie. I know exactly how this escalated to black tar. I followed that curious cat down the wrong alley, tripped, slipped and fell nose first into a pile of brown powder.well,fuck me.let's get this show on the road. ampnbsp; 630 am "maybe he's awake, should I try calling?" ampnbsp; I mean, the sun is almost up and he MIGHT